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Can we use our physiology to control machines?

Measuring the electrical conductivity of our skin is one way we can.  Using such a measurement I created an interactive installation which allows persons to use their physiology to control the playback of a video.  Persons in a calm state will cause the video to slow and persons in an alert state will cause the video to run faster than normal.

Persons found that by being mindful of their mental state.. aware.. they could change the playback rate of the video by mental intention.  This phenomenon is central to biofeedback and neurofeedback therapies in the cognitive sciences.  This project was possible because of collaboration with neurofeedback practitioners.

This installation was exhibited twice.  In the first situation the video was projected and the room was dark.  In the second situation the video was shown on a laptop in an open gallery environment.

Installed on a laptop

Installed as a video projection


Controlling the video with GSR

Persons in the room, controlling the video with GSR